Supported by
Sunderland & District Classic Vehicle Society
May 2017
1. The Club
The Club shall be known as The Sunderland and District Classic Vehicle Society.
The aims of the Club are:
a. To promote interest and enthusiasm in all classic vehicles.
b. To put members in touch with each other and share experience of renovation, servicing, running – repairs etc. in line with the current data protection law.
c. To help members to buy, sell and exchange vehicles and spares.
d. To assist members of other clubs whenever possible.
e. To hold regular monthly meetings and other occasional events.
2. Membership
a. Membership of the club is open to anyone of 17years and above with an interest in classic vehicles.
b. Subscriptions for membership of the Club may be paid at meetings, or by post to the Membership Secretary. A S.A.E. must be included with postal applications.
c. Membership must be renewed at the March meeting and no later than the first meeting after this or membership will cease.
d. Half price membership will be charged for new members joining at or after the AGM
e. All subscriptions and any money raised from Club activities shall be held in a bank – account bearing the name of the Club.
f. Membership is per family, to include member and member’s partner.
g. Membership provides the right to attend any meeting of the Club, including Committee, A.G.M and E.G.M.
3. A.G.M. / E. G. M.
The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held on a date fixed by the Committee. The A.G.M. shall:
a. Receive reports from the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Club officials.
b. Elect Club officials; all positions are for a period of one year.
c. Any proposal to alter any Club rules must be submitted to the Secretary fourteen days before the A.G.M. It must include a proposer and seconder, both of whom must be paid – up members.
d. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by a majority vote by the Committee; or by any ten paid-up members informing the Secretary in writing of their intentions. The E.G.M. shall be held within six weeks of this notification.
e. Members shall have equal voting rights at A.G.M and E.G.M. Postal votes may be lodged with the Chairman but only if received seven days before the A.G.M.
f. Voting at AGM or EGM shall be on the basis of one vote per membership.
4. The Committee will operate in the best interests of the Club and its members. The Committee has the general responsibility for the operation of the Club and any decisions relating to this. The Committee shall have the power to make decisions on the Club’s behalf including (but not only):
a. Times, dates and venues of meetings and events.
Installation, as an honorary members, any person who, in the opinion of the Committee, can further the aims of the Club.
b. The Committee has the right to decline, terminate or suspend any membership.
c. The Committee may, from time to time, make, alter and repeal the rules of the club, for the good conduct of the affairs of the club, provided that such changes are ratified by members at an AGM or EGM or at earliest opportunity which shall not be reasonably delayed.
d. Voting at Committee meetings is on the basis of one vote per Committee member.
e. On a ‘hung – vote’, the Chairman shall have the deciding vote.
f. A Committee meeting will be considered quorate with 50% of the Committee members present.
5. The Chair or their representative shall represent the Club in public relations/media matters.
6. The Chair, Deputy or their nominated Committee member shall preside at all meetings of the Club.
7. The Secretary shall deal with Club correspondence and keep minutes of meetings.
8. The Treasurer shall maintain accurate financial records and submit audit reports for the A.G.M.
All bank withdrawals must be signed for by the Treasurer and at least one other nominated Club official.
Any raffle, bingo, domino card and other similar games run on a Club night, or at a Club event, shall pay any profit to the Club funds.
The club shall be governed by these rules and constitution, which can be amended only by an AGM or EGM.